- calendar_month2019/03/08
- folder_open官方公告
正德海運3月8日起總經理人事異動,原總經理吳文仁(WENJEN Wu)屆齡退休,轉任正德海運董事長特助(Adviser)一職,職缺由董事長室副總經理蔡景仲(John Tsai)晉升。
新任總經理蔡景仲(John Tsai),加拿大多倫多大學經濟系畢業,2009年進入正德海運服務,曾擔任營運處副總經理,主要負責營運及企劃工作,除了國外經驗,蔡總經理對於全球航運等事務,包括遠洋及近洋運輸作業,都相當熟稔,為一專業之海事人才。未來,蔡景仲總經理將憑藉多年在經營管理與開拓市場之豐富經驗,負責公司整體策略制定、企業經營管理及市場運營推展等工作繼續帶領正德海運團隊向前邁進,開創新局,再造顛峰。
原總經理吳文仁(WENJEN Wu)先生,任內表現優異,雖經歷航運市場不景氣的情況,但嚴格地實施開源節流政策,並因應市場變化,及時彈性地調整經營策略,創造利潤。
【Franbo Lines Corp. – HR/Personnel Bulletin】
The position of President of Franbo Lines Corp. has changed to
Mr. John Tsai (Ching- Chuang Tsai) in March, 2019.
Franbo Lines Corp. began its personnel change on 8th March, 2019. The former President, Mr. Wen-Jen Wu has retired from his post and transferred to the position of Adviser to Chairman of Franbo Lines Corp.. Mr. John Tsai (Ching-Chuang Tsai) has been promoted to the position of President from his former position of Vice-President of Franbo Lines Corp.
Mr. Wen-Jen Wu, the former President, had performed excellently during his tenure. Because of his strict implementation onto the policy of increasing revenue and reducing expenditures, and adjusted the business strategy in an appropriate timely with flexible manner during the period of sluggish shipping market, the company enable to create profits in response to the market changes.